Estimating the potential impact of climate change on energy crop productivity in Thailand: an empirical study of sugarcane, cassava, and oil palm using panel data analysis
Chalermpon Jatuporn; Kenji Takeuchi
Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2023年, 査読有り
Does searching online for vaccination information affect vaccination coverage? Evidence from Sub-Saharan African countries
Ouattara Zieh Moussa; Kenji Takeuchi
Economics and Human Biology, 2022年12月, 査読有り
Estimating the spill-over impacts of a clean cooking fuel program: Evidence from Ghana
Are SRI Funds More Resilient towards the Global Financial Crisis?
Nakai Miwa; Yamaguchi Keiko; Takeuchi Kenji
神戸大学経済学研究科 Discussion Paper, 2011年02月14日
Altruism and Willingness to Pay for Reducing Child Mortality
Takeuchi Kenji; Kishimoto Atsuo; Tsuge Takahiro
神戸大学経済学研究科 Discussion Paper, 2008年01月
An integrated framework for the valuation of mortality : accient vs. cancer vs. heart disease
Tsuge Takahiro; Kishimoto Atsuo; Takeuchi Kenji
神戸大学経済学研究科 Discussion Paper, 2002年12月
A Dynamic Analysis of the Green Electricity Fund: Threshold Models Revisited
Ito Nobuyuki; Takeuchi Kenji; Tsuge Takahiro; Kishimoto Atsuo
神戸大学経済学研究科 Discussion Paper, 2009年06月
Renewable Energy Development in Japan
Kenji Takeuchi; Mai Miyamoto
Matsuda T., Wolff J., Yanagawa T. (eds) Risks and Regulation of New Technologies. Kobe University Monograph Series in Social Science Research. Springer, Singapore., 2021年
Economic Incentives for Recyclable Waste Separation and Recycling in China(中国における資源ごみの分別とリサイクルに対する経済的インセンティブ)
SUN JIE, 地球環境学舎, 主査
Quantitative Assessment on Water-Energy-Food Nexus in South Korea(韓国における水・エネルギー・食料連環の定量分析)
Daehan An, 地球環境学舎, 副査
Prospects for Carbon Taxation in Iran: The Study of Citizens' Intentions to Pay and Policy's Fairness(イランにおける炭素税の展望:市民の支払意思と政策の公正に関する研究)
Bahareh Ghafouri, 地球環境学舎, 副査
岩田 健吾, 地球環境学舎, 副査
Rapid Expansion of Palm Oil Plantation, Livelihood of Smallholders, and Indirect Deforestation: A Case Study on Dusun Tonggong, Parindu, West Kalimantan, Indonesia(アブラヤシ農園の急速な拡大、小農の生計、そして間接的な森林破壊―インドネシアの西カリマンタン州パリンドゥ郡トングゴン村のケーススタディ―)
Rizky Ramadhan, 地球環境学舎, 副査
Last Updated :2024/12/25
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Last Updated :2024/12/25
Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies