Public goods provision experiment with CASI survey
Shimizu, K.; Morimoto, Y.; Watabe, M.; Iida, T.; Kuriyama, K.
Electoral Survey Methodology: Insight from Japan on Using Computer Assisted Personal Interviews, 2016年
Social desirability bias and the Japanese voters
Nishizawa, Y.; Kuriyama, K.
Electoral Survey Methodology: Insight from Japan on Using Computer Assisted Personal Interviews, 2016年
Effect of the announcement of conservation area and financial targets on charitable giving for forest conservation: A natural field experiment study in East Asia
Mitani, Y.; Kuriyama, K.; Kubo, T.
The Routledge Handbook of Environmental Economics in Asia, 2015年
The value of biodiversity and recreation demand models: A spatial Kuhn-Tucker model
Kuriyama, K.; Shoji, Y.; Tsuge, T.
The Economics of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, 2012年
The value of biodiversity and recreation demand models: A spatial Kuhn–Tucker model
Kuriyama, K.; Shoji, Y.; Tsuge, T.
The Economics of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, 2012年
The estimation of public demand for the forest management: A contingent ranking study
Kuriyama, K.
Nihon Ringakkai Shi/Journal of the Japanese Forestry Society, 1999年
Relationship between the actual environmental landscape surrounding residents and their willingness to pay for the landscape: Evidence from a discrete choice experiment
Shinsuke Kyoi; Koichi Kuriyama; Shizuka Hashimoto
Social Sciences and Humanities Open, 2023年01月
Impact of user fees for visitors to national parks in the presence of alternative sites
Statistical analysis for the development of national average weighting factors—visualization of the variability between each individual's environmental thoughts
International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainability 2010 - Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity. Science Council of Japan, 2010年12月16日, 招待有り
栗山 浩一
COP10社会と学術の対話フォーラム「生物多様性を主流に」, 2010年09月05日, 招待有り
栗山 浩一
森林・林業形成研究会, 2010年05月14日, 招待有り
環境経済・政策学会, 2010年
The Intertemporal Substitution of Recreation Demand A Dynamic Kuhn-Tucker Model
栗山 浩一
滋賀大学環境総合研究センター第38回公開研究会, 2009年12月07日, 招待有り
Environmental Valuation and Natural Resource Damage Assessment
Coastal Community Preferences of Gray, Green, and Hybrid Infrastructure Against Tsunamis: A Case Study of Japan. F. Nakamura (ed.), Green Infrastructure and Climate Change Adaptation, Ecological Research Monographs,
Effect of the announcement of conservation area and financial targets on charitable giving for forest conservation: A natural field experiment study in East Asia," Chapter 18 in The Routledge Handbook of Environmental Economics in Asia edited by Shunsuke
西部大開発政策;黄土高原;持続可能な発展;西部資源開発;小城鎮建設;退耕還林政策;教育開発;内発的発展;中国西部開発と持続;可能な発展小城鎮建設と環境問題;退耕退村政策;資源開発と環境汚染;中国内陸部貧困地域の発展;市場経済化と経済発展;黄土高原地域の環境保全;中国内陸部開発と環境問題;中国西部開発;村鎮地域開発;黄土高原の生態系;開発と環境保全;生態建設;扶貧政策;中国西部の持続可能な発展;西部開発と国際協力, Western Development Policy;Ordo plateau;Sustainable Development;Western resource development;Small town development;"Retreat culture, replant forest" policy;education development;endogenous development
Spatial Dimensions in Stated Preference Methods: Exploring Spatial Heterogeneity in People’s Preferences(表明選好法による選好の空間的異質性に関する考察)
京井 尋佑, 農学研究科, 主査
A Valuation Study on Multifunctionality of Agriculture and Multifunctional Agriculture in South Korea: Beyond 6th Industrialization(韓国における農業の多面的機能と多面機能型農業に関する価値評価研究:6次産業化を超えて)
Revitalizing Sustainable Socio-ecological LandscapesAn Examination of Organic Farming, Renewable Energy, and Carbon Sequestration Activities in Rural Japan(持続的な社会生態的ランドスケープの復興—日本の農村地域における有機農業、再生エネルギー、炭素貯留活動に関する調査研究)
The Economic Impacts of Migration and Remittances on Sources of Income, Variations in Income, and Children’s Education: Case Studies of Rural Cambodia(出稼ぎと仕送りが源泉所得、所得変動、および子供の教育に及ぼす経済的影響について—カンボジア農村を事例に—)
Luch Likanan, 副査
山口 治子, 副査
茹仙古麗 吾甫尓, 副査
佐々木 宏樹, 副査
Essays on wildlife management in protected areas using econometric approaches (計量経済学アプローチを用いた保護区における野生動物管理に関する研究)