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防災研究所 防災研究所附属気候変動適応研究センター_(宇治市) 准教授

    Last Updated :2024/12/25



    • 情報学研究科, 社会情報学専攻 地域・防災情報システム学, 准教授


    • 国際高等教育院


    • 全学メールアドレス



    • 修士(社会学)(ベンガル大学)
    • 修士(建築計画学)(スクールオブプランニングアンドアーキテクチャー大学)
    • 博士(工学)(京都大学)


    • 京都大学



    researchmap URL

      Last Updated :2024/12/25



      • 研究テーマ

        Disaster Risk Communication, Community Participation in Disaster Risk Governance, Implementation Science for DRR
      • 研究概要

        My research investigates the social implementation process of disaster risk reduction. My research expertise includes disaster risk communication and risk governance discourse.
        I am interested in examining what sorts of participatory methods, techniques, and tools are critical for meaningful community involvement in disaster risk governance. For this, I carried out several participatory disaster management tools for the collaborative action plan, participatory mapping for identifying spatial risk in different parts of Asia and Africa. I have established a user-based participatory framework for community-based disaster risk management.
        To explore the social implementation of disaster preparedness behavior, I conducted an in-depth study on the role of social networks, social capital, and trust in disseminating disaster preventive technologies. I use social network approaches to examine the parts of social capital in information dissemination to escalate technology diffusion through social learning and social influence. I investigated the cognitive-perceptual process, including risk perception and response efficacy that households experience when faced with the decision to make disaster preparedness decisions.
        I mostly adopted qualitative research methods and conducted in-depth field surveys in India, Bangladesh, Japan, and Ghana. I use qualitative research techniques for data collection, including open-ended interviews, observation techniques, interactive workshops, participatory mapping, land use mapping.


      • 人文・社会, 社会心理学


      • Diffusion of Disaster-Preparedness Information by Hearing from Early Adopters to Late Adopters in Coastal Bangladesh
        Subhajyoti Samaddar; Sudip Roy; Fatima Akter; Hirokazu Tatano
        Sustainability, 2022年03月25日
      • Factors Impacting Participatory Post-Disaster Relocation and Housing Reconstruction: The Case of Tsholotsho District, Zimbabwe
        Nombulelo Kitsepile Ngulube; Hirokazu Tatano; Subhajyoti Samaddar
        International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2024年02月
      • Toward participatory participation: A community perspective on effective engagement in post-disaster recovery and reconstruction
        Nombulelo Kitsepile Ngulube; Hirokazu Tatano; Subhajyoti Samaddar
        Community Development, 2024年
      • Community Insights: Citizen Participation in Kamaishi Unosumai Decade-Long Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake
        Nombulelo Kitsepile Ngulube; Hirokazu Tatano; Subhajyoti Samaddar
        International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2023年12月
      • Implementing Effective Community Participation in Climate Change Adaptation Programs : on whose terms?
        Samaddar S; Oteng-Ababio M; Dayour, F; Ayaribilla A. J; Yokomatsu M
        Environmental Management, 2021年03月, 査読有り, 筆頭著者, 責任著者
      • Evaluating Current Research Status and Identifying Most Important Future Research Themes.
        Tatano H; S. Samaddar
        Proceedings of the 3rd Global Summit of Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction. GSRIDRR 2017. Disaster and Risk Research: GADRI Book Series. Springer, Singapore, 2021年01月
      • Evaluating the Success of Participatory Flood Risk Mapping—A Case Study from Dharavi, Mumbai
        Samaddar S; Tatano H; Pasupuleti R.S
        Proceedings of the 3rd Global Summit of Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction. GSRIDRR 2017. Disaster and Risk Research: GADRI Book Series. Springer, 2021年01月, 筆頭著者, 責任著者
      • WebReLog: A Web-based Tool for Disaster Relief Logistics with Vehicle Route Planning
        Gupta N; Gupta T; Samaddar S; Roy S
        IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC), 2019年10月, 査読有り
      • Stakeholders’ perceptions on effective community participation in climate change adaptation
        Sustainable solutions for Food Security: Combating Climate Change by Adaptation, 2019年02月, 査読有り, 筆頭著者, 責任著者
      • Who are Pioneers of Disaster Preparedness? - Insights from Rainwater Harvesting Dissemination in Bangladesh
        Subhajyoti Samaddar; Norio Okada; Xinyu Jiang; Hirokazu Tatano
        Environmental Management, 2018年06月12日, 査読有り, 筆頭著者, 責任著者
      • Exploring the role of trust in risk communication among climate induced vulnerable rural communities in Wa West district, Ghana
        Strategies for Building Resilience against Climate and Ecosystem Changes in Sub-Saharan Africa. Science for Sustainable Societies. Springer,, 2018年, 査読有り, 筆頭著者, 責任著者
      • The 3rd Global Summit of Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction: Expanding the Platform for Bridging Science and Policy Making
        Andrew Collins; Hirokazu Tatano; Wilma James; Chadia Wannous; Kaoru Takara; Virginia Murray; Charles Scawthorn; Jim Mori; Sarah Aziz; Khalid M. Mosalam; Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler; Irasema Alcantara-Ayala; Elisabeth Krausmann; Wei-Sen Li; Ana Maria Cruz; Subhajyoti Samaddar; Tom De Groeve; Yuichi Ono; Kelvin Berryman; Koji Suzuki; Mark Ashley Parry; Peter McGowran; John G. Rees
      • What constitutes successful participatory disaster risk management? Insights from post-earthquake reconstruction work in rural Gujarat, India
        Subhajyoti Samaddar; Norio Okada; Junho Choi; Hirokazu Tatano
        NATURAL HAZARDS, 2017年01月, 査読有り, 筆頭著者, 責任著者
      • Insights on social learning and collaborative action plan development for disaster risk reduction: practicing Yonmenkaigi System Method (YSM) in flood-prone Mumbai
        Subhajyoti Samaddar; Junho Choi; Bijay Anand Misra; Hirokazu Tatano
        NATURAL HAZARDS, 2015年01月, 査読有り, 筆頭著者, 責任著者
      • Where do individuals seek opinions for evacuation: A case study from landslide prone slum communities in Mumbai?
        Samaddar S; Tatano H
        Journal of Natural Disaster Science, 2015年, 査読有り, 筆頭著者, 責任著者
      • Evaluating effective public participation in disaster management and climate change adaptation: insights from northern Ghana through a user-based approach
        Samaddar S; Yokomatsu M; Dzivenu T; Oteng-Ababio M; Adams M. R; Dayour F; Ishikawa, H
        Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy (Wiley, 2015年, 査読有り, 筆頭著者, 責任著者
      • Information for Disaster Preparedness: A Social Network Approach to Rainwater Harvesting Technology Dissemination
        Subhajyoti Samaddar; Makoto Murase; Norio Okada
        International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2014年06月, 査読有り, 筆頭著者, 責任著者
      • Outcome-expectancy and self-efficacy: Reasons or results of flood preparedness intention?
        Subhajyoti Samaddar; Roshni Chatterjee; Bijayanad Misra; Hirokazu Tatano
      • Impact of climate change on river flows in the Black Volta River
        Sawai N; Kobayashi K; Apip; Takara K; Ishikawa H; Yokomatsu M; Samaddar S; Juati A; Kranjac-Berisavljevic G
        Journal of Disaster Research, 2014年, 査読有り
      • Assessing rural communities concerns for improved climate change adaptation strategies in northern Ghana
        Samaddar S; Yokomatsu M; Dzivenu T; Oteng-Ababio M; Adams, M. R; Dayour F; Ishikawa, H
        Journal of Disaster Research, 2014年, 査読有り, 筆頭著者, 責任著者
      • Role of social networks in community’s flood risk perception and mitigation behavior: A case study from Mumbai, India
        Samaddar S; Tatano H
        Annuals of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, 2012年, 筆頭著者, 責任著者
      • Flood risks awareness and preparedness – The role of trust in information sources
        Samaddar S; Misra B. A; Tatano H
        Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2012年, 査読有り
      • Understanding community’s evacuation intention development process in a flood prone micro hotspots, Mumbai
        Samaddar S; Misra, B. A; Chatterjee R; Tatano H
        International Journal of Integrated Disaster Risk Management, 2012年, 査読有り, 筆頭著者, 責任著者
      • Identifying Vulnerability Pattern in a Flood Prone Micro-Hotspot of Mumbai, India
        Subhajyoti Samaddar; Bijay Anand Misra; Roshni Chatterjee; Hirokazu Tatano
        Environmental Science and Development, 2011年, 査読有り
      • Participatory risk mapping for identifying spatial risks in flood prone slum areas, Mumbai
        Samaddar S; Misra B. A; Chatterjee R; Tatano H
        Annuals of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, 2011年
      • Flood risks reduction in livelihood risks: Thoughts and insights from Mumbai
        Annuals of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University., 2010年, 筆頭著者, 責任著者
      • Cost of the skywater tank & micro-credit scheme – A study on Morelganj, Bangladesh
        Samaddar S; Murase M
        3rd Rainwater Harvesting Management Workshop, International Water Association, WWC, Vienna, 2008, 2008年
      • Implementation challenges of rainwater harvesting practice reducing drinking water pollution risks in coastal Bangladesh – A social network analysis
        Samaddar S; Okada N
        Samaddar S. and Okada N., 2008年, 査読有り
      • Modelling and Analysis of Rainwater Harvesting Technology Disseminating Process Based on Social Networks Threshold Approach
        Subhajyoti Samaddar; Norio Okada
      • The process of community’s coping capacity development in the Sumida Ward, Tokyo – A case study of rainfall harvesting movement
        Samaddar S; Okada N
        Annuals of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, 2007年
      • Reducing drinking water pollution risks through implementing rainwater harvesting – An analysis of social innovation
        Samaddar S; Okada N; Murase M
        Samaddar S., Okada N. and Murase M., 2007年
      • Participatory approach for post-earthquake reconstruction in the villages of Kachh, Gujarat, India
        Samaddar S; Okada N
        Participatory approach for post-earthquake reconstruction in the villages of Kachh, Gujarat, India, 2006年


      • Implementation Science for Disaster Risk Management – A Critical Review
        Samaddar S; Tatano H
        The 9th International Conference of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRiM Conference 2019) on Knowledge-based Disaster Risk Management: Broadening the scope by “Smart Territories” for Sustainable and Resilient Cities and Organizations, Nice , France ., 2019年10月17日
      • Sense of Community’ under Disaster Risks. Is it a catalyst of Participation?
        Samaddar S; Tatano H
        The 9th International Conference of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRiM Conference 2019) on Knowledge-based Disaster Risk Management: Broadening the scope by “Smart Territories” for Sustainable and Resilient Cities and Organizations, 2019年10月16日
      • Perspectives on Effective Community Participation in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR).
        Samaddar S; Tatano H
        Dealing with Disasters-UKADR-DRG-UKCDR International Conference, Northumbria University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK., 2019年07月17日
      • The Role of Pioneers to Overcome Implementation Challenges of Disaster Preparedness
        The 9th International Conference of Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRiM 2018) on Data Driven Approaches to Integrated Disaster Risk Management, 2018年10月02日
      • Information Source and Disaster Preparedness Behaviors, Invited lecture, Department of Environmental Science
        Visva Bharati University, Shantinekatan, India, 2018年09月15日, 招待有り
      • Community Participation and Disaster Risk Management: Insights from Asia and Africa.
        School of Planning and Architecture Bhopal (SPA-Bhopal), India, 2018年03月
      • Implementing Community Participation in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation: On whose terms?
        Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR), Roorkee, India, 2018年03月
      • Information sharing and the roles of pioneer adopters in disaster preparedness
        Annual Meeting of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 2018年
      • Vision and future of Global Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes (GADRI)
        World Bosai Forum / IDRC 2017 in Sendai, Sendai International Center, Kawauchi Hagi Hall (Tohoku University), Sendai, Japan,, 2017年11月
      • What Constitutes Good Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) ? Voices from the Fields of India and West Africa,
        Distinguished Invited Lecture, Nalanda University, 2017年09月
      • We Feeling in community based disaster risk management: Can we integrate mind, self and community?
        The 8th International Conference of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRiM Conference 2017) on Dimensions of Disaster Risk Reduction and Social Resiliency in a Complex World, Reykjavik , Iceland,, 2017年08月
      • The Factor, Sense of Community in Community Based Disaster Risk Management
        Annual Meeting of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 2017年02月
      • Insights from community-led disaster risk management initiatives in flood prone Dharavi, Mumbai.
        Invited Lecture, Graduate School of Law, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, 2016年12月
      • A community’s perspective on community based disaster risk management
        NCDR – DPRI Workshop 2016 (National Science and Technology Centre for Disaster Reduction, Taiwan and Disaster Prevention Research Institute,Kyoto University, Japan), Kyoto University, 2016年11月
      • The process mechanism for effective community participation in disaster risk management: Self-efficacy as a catalyst.
        The 7th International Conference of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRiM Conference 2016) on “Disaster and Development: Towards a Risk Aware Society”, Isfahan, Islamic Republic of Iran, 2016年10月
      • Identifying standardization needs for capacity building in disaster risk management: Global Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes (GADRI) projects and activities
        Second INATE (International Networks for Advancing Transdisciplinary Education) Conference on Managing Global Changes for Sustainability, Pukyong National University, Busan, South Korea, 2016年07月
      • What community thinks about successful community based disaster risk management? Voices from the fields of Ghana
        DPRI Annual Meeting of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 2016年02月
      • What constitutes effective community based disaster management program? An Indian experience
        Bi-lateral Seminar on Kyoto University Initiative for Strengthening Collaboration between India and Japan, Yamanouchi Hall, Shirankaikan, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 2016年01月
      • What constitutes a successful participatory disaster risk management
        International Symposium on Flash Floods in Wadi System , Kyoto University , Kyoto , Japan, 2015年10月
      • . The Process of Participatory Flood Risk Mapping in a Slum Community, Mumbai.
        The 6th International Conference of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (TIFAC – IDRiM Conference 2015) on “Disaster Risk Reduction: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Growth”, New Delhi, India, 2015年10月
      • What constitutes an effective community participation in disaster risk management? Voices from the fields of Ghana.
        The 6th International Conference of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (TIFAC– IDRiM Conference 2015) on “Disaster Risk Reduction: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Growth, New Delhi, India, 2015年10月
      • The Challenges of conducting social network surveys for exploring the dynamics of community’s disaster preparedness behaviors: Voices from the fields of Ghana.
        DPRI Annual Meeting, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 2015年02月
      • The role and nature of trust in risk communication: Insights from climate induced risk prone rural communities in Wa West District, Ghana
        International Conference on Enhancing Resiliency to Climate and Ecosystem Changes in Semi-Arid Africa, University for Development Studies, Tamale, Ghana, 2014年08月
      • Mainstreaming flood risk reduction by enhancing better risk governance in Japan
        Tatano H; Samaddar S; Choi J
        Tatano H., Samaddar S. and Choi J., 2014年07月
      • Can we blame friends and neighbors for low household preparedness? A Social Network Approach on Community’s Flood Preventive Behavior.
        The 4th International Conference of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRiM Conference 2013) on Dealing with Disasters, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 2013年09月
      • A cognitive and social appraisal of households’ flood evacuation behaviour: Mumbai, India.
        The 3rd International Conference of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRiM Conference 2012) on “From Surprise to Rationality: Managing Unprecedented Large Scale Disasters”, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, 2012年09月
      • Integrated flood risks management – Hotspot Mumbai. Workshop on Strategy of how to deploy
        Workshop on Strategy of how to deploy 'Human Security Engineering' in Asian region, Kyoto University, Katsura Campus, Kyoto, Japan, 2011年03月
      • A cognition approach to implementation of IDRiM in local hot spots; Lessons from the GCOE project, Mumbai.
        The 1st International Conference of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRiM Conference 2010) on Sharing IDRiM Experiences under Different Socio-economic and Cultural Contexts, University of Natural Resources and Applied L, 2010年09月
      • Progress report from Mumbai base - Identified problems and possible solutions
        9th Annual of International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis - Disaster Prevention Research Institute (IIASA-DPRI) Forum for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRiM) on Scientific Challenges in Implementing Integrated Disaster Risk Management i, 2009年10月
      • Who are individuals’ sources of information to make adoption decision? A social network analysis
        Japan-China 4th Joint Seminar, Kyoto University, Kyoto , Japan, 2008年12月
      • The role trust in disaster risk communication: Case studies from Megacity Mumbai.
        Workshop on Disaster Risk Management For Megacities, Department of Urban Planning, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi
      • Exploring the role of trust in risk communication among climate induced vulnerable rural communities in Wa West district, Ghana
        Samaddar S; Yokomatsu M; Dayour F; Oteng-Ababio M; Dzivenu T; Ishikawa H, Book Chapter
        Springer, Singapore, 2019年, 査読無し


      • 2016年
        Japan Society for Natural Disaster Science, International Awards of “Hazards 2000”
      • 2010年
        Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI) , Kyoto University. , Young Scientist Paper Award
      • 2008年
        IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC2008), Singapore. , Student Award (Travel Grants)


      • Building self-efficacy for disaster preparedness motivation - An evidence-based approach
        S Samaddar
        自 2022年04月01日, 至 2025年03月31日, 交付
        Case study;stakeholders meetings;Secondary data;Literature review;pilot survey;self-efficacy;disaster preparedness;Social implementation;Intention;South Asia


      • 災害リスク軽減と気候変動適応のための統合フレームワーク (2021年度分)
        独立行政法人 日本学術振興会, 二国間交流事業共同研究・セミナー
        自 2021年04月01日, 至 2022年03月31日
      • Risk Communication: Application to Urban Planning for Creating Resilient Society.
        Global Initiative of Academic Network (GIAN) Course, Ministry of Human Resource Development, India.
        自 2019年02月01日, 至 2019年02月10日
        Subhajyoti Samaddar
      • Evaluating Community Participation in Uttarakhand Flood Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Projects
        Kyoto University
        自 2018年09月01日, 至 2018年09月15日
        Subhajyoti Samaddar
      • Arsenic Contamination, Water Salinity and Drinking Water Risks in Bengal Delta Region.
        Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University International Exchange and International Collaborative Research
        自 2017年06月01日, 至 2018年03月31日
        Subhajyoti Samaddar
      • 災害リスク軽減と気候変動適応のための統合フレームワーク (2020年度分)
        自 2020年04月01日, 至 2021年03月31日
        サマダール サブハジョティ
        Last Updated :2024/12/25



        • 自 2024年04月01日, 至 2025年03月31日
          X434, 後期, 工学研究科, 2
        • 自 2024年04月01日, 至 2025年03月31日
          X333, 前期, 工学研究科, 2
        • 自 2024年04月01日, 至 2025年03月31日
          3291, 後期, 情報学研究科, 2
        • 自 2024年04月01日, 至 2025年03月31日
          Introduction to Urban Planning-E2
          H806, 前期, 国際高等教育院, 2
        • 自 2024年04月01日, 至 2025年03月31日
          Introduction to Society and Community Studies-E2
          H718, 後期, 国際高等教育院, 2
        • 自 2024年04月01日, 至 2025年03月31日
          Introduction to Risk Communication-E2
          H717, 後期, 国際高等教育院, 2
        • 自 2024年04月01日, 至 2025年03月31日
          ILAS Seminar-E2
          Z002, 前期, 国際高等教育院, 2
        • 自 2024年04月01日, 至 2025年03月31日
          4009, 前期, 地球環境学舎, 2
        • 自 2023年04月01日, 至 2024年03月31日
          X434, 後期, 工学研究科, 2
        • 自 2023年04月01日, 至 2024年03月31日
          X333, 前期, 工学研究科, 2
        • 自 2023年04月01日, 至 2024年03月31日
          3291, 後期, 情報学研究科, 2
        • 自 2023年04月01日, 至 2024年03月31日
          Introduction to Society and Community Studies-E2
          H718, 後期, 国際高等教育院, 2
        • 自 2023年04月01日, 至 2024年03月31日
          Introduction to Risk Communication-E2
          H717, 後期, 国際高等教育院, 2
        • 自 2023年04月01日, 至 2024年03月31日
          ILAS Seminar-E2
          Z002, 前期, 国際高等教育院, 2
        • 自 2023年04月01日, 至 2024年03月31日
          Introduction to Urban Planning-E2
          H806, 前期, 国際高等教育院, 2
        • 自 2023年04月01日, 至 2024年03月31日
          4009, 前期, 地球環境学舎, 2
        • 自 2022年04月01日, 至 2023年03月31日
          Introduction to Society and Community Studies-E2
          H718, 後期, 国際高等教育院, 2
        • 自 2022年04月01日, 至 2023年03月31日
          Introduction to Risk Communication-E2
          H717, 後期, 国際高等教育院, 2
        • 自 2022年04月01日, 至 2023年03月31日
          ILAS Seminar-E2
          Z002, 前期, 国際高等教育院, 2
        • 自 2022年04月01日, 至 2023年03月31日
          Introduction to Urban Planning-E2
          H806, 前期, 国際高等教育院, 2
        • 自 2022年04月01日, 至 2023年03月31日
          X434, 後期, 工学研究科, 2
        • 自 2022年04月01日, 至 2023年03月31日
          X333, 前期, 工学研究科, 2
        • 自 2022年04月01日, 至 2023年03月31日
          4009, 前期, 地球環境学舎, 2
        • 自 2022年04月01日, 至 2023年03月31日
          3291, 後期, 情報学研究科, 2
        • 自 2016年04月, 至 2017年03月
          ILAS Seminar-E2
          前期, 全学共通科目
        • 自 2016年04月, 至 2017年03月
          Intro to Risk Communication-E2
          後期, 全学共通科目
        • 自 2016年04月, 至 2017年03月
          Intro to Society & Community Studies-E2
          後期, 全学共通科目
        • 自 2016年04月, 至 2017年03月
          Intro to Urban Planning & Practices-E2
          前期, 全学共通科目
        • 自 2017年04月, 至 2018年03月
          ILAS Seminar-E2
          前期, 全学共通科目
        • 自 2017年04月, 至 2018年03月
          Introduction to Risk Communication-E2
          後期, 全学共通科目
        • 自 2017年04月, 至 2018年03月
          Introduction to Society and Community Studies-E2
          後期, 全学共通科目
        • 自 2017年04月, 至 2018年03月
          Introduction to Urban Planning-E2
          前期, 全学共通科目
        • 自 2017年04月, 至 2018年03月
          後期, 情報学研究科
        • 自 2017年04月, 至 2018年03月
          前期, 地球環境学舎
        • 自 2018年04月, 至 2019年03月
          ILAS Seminar-E2
          前期, 全学共通科目
        • 自 2018年04月, 至 2019年03月
          Introduction to Risk Communication-E2
          後期, 全学共通科目
        • 自 2018年04月, 至 2019年03月
          Introduction to Society and Community Studies-E2
          後期, 全学共通科目
        • 自 2018年04月, 至 2019年03月
          Introduction to Urban Planning-E2
          前期, 全学共通科目
        • 自 2018年04月, 至 2019年03月
          後期, 工学研究科
        • 自 2018年04月, 至 2019年03月
          後期, 情報学研究科
        • 自 2018年04月, 至 2019年03月
          後期, 総合生存学館
        • 自 2018年04月, 至 2019年03月
          後期, 工学研究科
        • 自 2018年04月, 至 2019年03月
          前期, 地球環境学舎
        • 自 2019年04月, 至 2020年03月
          ILAS Seminar-E2
          前期, 全学共通科目
        • 自 2019年04月, 至 2020年03月
          Introduction to Risk Communication-E2
          後期, 全学共通科目
        • 自 2019年04月, 至 2020年03月
          Introduction to Society and Community Studies-E2
          後期, 全学共通科目
        • 自 2019年04月, 至 2020年03月
          Introduction to Urban Planning-E2
          前期, 全学共通科目
        • 自 2019年04月, 至 2020年03月
          後期, 情報学研究科
        • 自 2019年04月, 至 2020年03月
          後期, 総合生存学館
        • 自 2019年04月, 至 2020年03月
          前期, 工学研究科
        • 自 2019年04月, 至 2020年03月
          後期, 工学研究科
        • 自 2019年04月, 至 2020年03月
          前期, 地球環境学舎
        • 自 2020年04月, 至 2021年03月
          ILAS Seminar-E2:First Step to Qualitative Research Me…
          前期, 全学共通科目
        • 自 2020年04月, 至 2021年03月
          Introduction to Risk Communication-E2
          後期, 全学共通科目
        • 自 2020年04月, 至 2021年03月
          Introduction to Society and Community Studies-E2
          後期, 全学共通科目
        • 自 2020年04月, 至 2021年03月
          Introduction to Urban Planning-E2
          前期集中, 全学共通科目
        • 自 2020年04月, 至 2021年03月
          後期, 情報学研究科
        • 自 2020年04月, 至 2021年03月
          後期, 総合生存学館
        • 自 2020年04月, 至 2021年03月
          前期, 工学研究科
        • 自 2020年04月, 至 2021年03月
          後期, 工学研究科
        • 自 2020年04月, 至 2021年03月
          前期, 地球環境学舎
        • 自 2021年04月, 至 2022年03月
          ILAS Seminar-E2:First Step to Qualitative Research Me…
          前期, 全学共通科目
        • 自 2021年04月, 至 2022年03月
          Introduction to Risk Communication-E2
          後期, 全学共通科目
        • 自 2021年04月, 至 2022年03月
          Introduction to Society and Community Studies-E2
          後期, 全学共通科目
        • 自 2021年04月, 至 2022年03月
          Introduction to Urban Planning-E2
          前期, 全学共通科目
        • 自 2021年04月, 至 2022年03月
          後期, 情報学研究科
        • 自 2021年04月, 至 2022年03月
          後期, 総合生存学館
        • 自 2021年04月, 至 2022年03月
          前期, 工学研究科
        • 自 2021年04月, 至 2022年03月
          後期, 工学研究科
        • 自 2021年04月, 至 2022年03月
          前期, 地球環境学舎


        • 自 2024年04月01日, 至 2025年03月31日
          特別研究、Graduation Research
          通年132時間、通年132時間 , 京都大学, 工学部
        • 自 2023年04月01日, 至 2024年03月31日
          通年132時間、通年132時間, 京都大学, 工学部
        • 自 2022年04月01日, 至 2023年03月31日
          特別研究、Graduation Research
          通年132時間、通年132時間, 工学部
          Last Updated :2024/12/25



          • 自 2024年04月01日, 至 2026年03月31日
          • 自 2017年04月01日, 至 2019年03月31日
          • 自 2019年04月01日, 至 2021年03月31日
          • 自 2021年04月01日, 至 2023年03月31日
