Promoting Seismic Retrofit Implementation Through "Nudge": Using Warranty as a Driver
Toshio Fujimi; Hirokazu Tatano
RISK ANALYSIS, 2013年10月, 査読有り, 筆頭著者, 責任著者
Making a resilient community for flooding
Hwayoung Kim; Ryuji Kakimoto; Toshio Fujimi
Proc. of the 9th Annual International Conference of the International Institute for Infrastructure Renewal and Reconstruction the Disaster Management, 2013年
溝上章志; 藤見俊夫; 平野俊彦
土木学会論文集D3, 2013年, 査読有り
Estimation of indirect economic loss caused by house destruction in a natural disaster
Toshio Fujimi; Hirokazu Tatano
NATURAL HAZARDS, 2012年04月, 査読有り, 筆頭著者, 責任著者
Constructing a Sustainable Community: Developing Plan Context Indicators in Japan
Kim, H; Kakimoto, R; FUJIMI, T
Proc. of the Disaster Management 2012, 2012年
Dynamic Change of Flood Risk Curve by Flood Control and Land-use