BiDAME: Big Data Analysis of Medical Care for the Elderly in Kyoto. Analysis of the evidence-practice gap to facilitate proper medical care for the elderly: Investigation, using databases, of utilization measures for National Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health Checkups of Japan (NDB)
中山, 健夫; 今中, 雄一; 奥野, 恭史; 加藤, 源太; 黒田, 知宏; 後藤, 励; 田中, 司朗; 田村, 寛; 福原, 俊一; 福間, 真悟; 武藤, 学; 柳田, 素子; 山本, 洋介
Environmental health and preventive medicine, 2017年06月06日, 査読有り