Effects of different frequency of deer foraging on herbaceous communities in open site
Atsushi Takayanagi
7th International Deer Biology Congress, 2010年
高柳 敦
ニホンジカの個体群管理,/,89-93, 1999年
Deer damage-estimation, monitoring, prevention-
高柳 敦
Population control of sika deer,/,89-93, 1999年
高柳 敦
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Tree damage by Japanese serow and sika deer and protection methods
高柳 敦
Forestry Coexistance with Wild Animals,/,42-52, 1998年
高柳 敦
第103回日本林学会大会発表論文集,, 1992年
高柳 敦
関西自然保護機構会報(14巻特別号31-39頁),, 1992年
The Environmental Management by Administrations for Conservation of Forests near Residential Area-Their Actual Actions in the Environmental Forest Projects-
高柳 敦
Transactions of the 103rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forestry Society.,, 1992年
Criticism on "Kyoto Criteria"
高柳 敦
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高柳 敦
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Study on A Improvement of Wildlife Protection and Hunting Low ((]G0002[))-Comparison of Condition for Hunting between Japan and F. R. G.
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Transaction of 102nd Meeting Japanese Forestry Society,102, 1991年
高柳 敦
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The durability of Deer Proof Fence
高柳 敦
Transaction of 99th Meeting Japanese Forestry Society,99, 1988年
高柳 敦
第98回日本林学会大会発表論文集,, 1987年
The Conditions of Wildlife Reserves -In the Case of Japanese Serow
高柳 敦
Transaction of 98th Meeting Japanese Forestry Society,, 1987年
高柳 敦
第97回日本林学会大会発表論文集,, 1986年
Protection from feeding Injury by the Japanese Serow and Deer
高柳 敦
Transactions of 97th Meeting Japanese Forestry Society,, 1986年
高柳 敦
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高柳 敦
In "Flora and Fauna of Rural Biotopes in Shiga", Sanraizushuppan,154-161, 2001年, 査読無し
高柳 敦
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Hunting Districts and Hunting Management in Modern Village
高柳 敦
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高柳 敦
"国際化時代の森林資源問題"(所収)日本林業調査会,304-315, 1993年, 査読無し
The Role of Sustainable Use of Wildlife in Conservation of Ecosystem.
高柳 敦
In "Forest Resource Management in International Era. "Nihon Ringyo Chosa Kai,304-315, 1993年, 査読無し