Socio-cultural history of Modern Japanese ethnography(especially on the Kyoto University Cultural History School)
Overview of the research
My research topics are as below: History of Japanese fieldworks and ethnographies, reservation of cultural resources ( folk rituals & parformances, farmar’s houses, cultural landscape, and so on), cultural representations( photos, movies, museums, tourism etc, especially of folk materials), studies on school communities and their archives (especially of Kita-Shirakawa, Kyoto), social history on the New Kyoto School.
Research Interests
Modern Japanese History
Folklore studies
Research Areas
Humanities & social sciences, Cultural anthropology and folklore
Some Questions about Historical Folklore Studies(Narrating the Folklore of Miyata Noboru: An Attempt at an Academic History,Panels,THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE JAPANESE ASSOCIATION FOR RELIGIOUS STUDIES)
Journal of religious studies, 2009
“What Does it Mean to Become UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage? The Case of aenokoto”
Aike P. Rots (Editor), Mark Teeuwen (Editor) Sacred Heritage in Japan, Routledge, Apr. 2020, Peer-reviewed, Invited
菊地 暁
日本民俗学, Nov. 2019, Invited
菊地 暁
現代思想, Jul. 2019, Invited
菊地 暁
郭海紅編訳『民族、文化的資源化:以21世紀日本為例』山東大学出版会, Aug. 2018, Invited
Main Characters(2)Kyoto University Cultural History School's Reception of "Senzo no Honashi"
菊地 暁
日本民俗学, Nov. 2013
On the Collection of the National Institute for Ethnology -Its Wartime and Postwar Transfers-
Kikuchi Akira
泉水英計編『国際常民文化研究叢書 4 第二次大戦中および占領期の民族学・人類学』神奈川大学国際常民文化研究機構, Mar. 2013
菊地 暁
岩本通弥編『世界遺産時代の民俗学』風響社, Feb. 2013
Some Ideas on Research Materials: The Investigation of the Kyoto University Cultural History School(Considering the Role of Fieldwork in the Historical Study of Religion,Panels,Research Reports,THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTY-FIRST ANNUAL CONVENTION)
Journal of religious studies, 2013
Sociological Association for the Study of Religion, ed., Revisiting Sacred Places: The Gods of Ikoma
Journal of religious studies, 2013
菊地 暁
横山俊夫編『ことばの力』京都大学学術出版会, Mar. 2012
Symposium: The Buddhist anthropologist Akamatsu Chijo
菊地 暁
Modern Buddhism, May 2011, Peer-reviewed
Reading Izuru Shinmura's handwritten notes on Kunio Yanagita's books
菊地, 暁
Journal of humanities, 27 Feb. 2011, Peer-reviewed
Comparative study of the strategic acceptance and management of the World Heritage Convention in cultural property protection systems of Japan and Korea
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
The University of Tokyo
From 01 Apr. 2008, To 31 Mar. 2011, Project Closed
Folkloristic Research on Conservation and Management of Landscape as Local Resource
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
The University of Tokyo
From 01 Apr. 2005, To 31 Mar. 2008, Project Closed
景観;地域資源;保全と活用;民俗学;人文地理学;社会学;歴史学;資源化;地理学;保存と活用, landscape;local resource;conservation and management;folklore studies;human geography;sociology;Japanese history