Dependency or Interdependency: United States Power Generation Firms' Entry into China
Shige Makino
Journal of Asia Business Studies, 2007, Peer-reviewed
Japanese horizontal keiretsu and the performance implications of membership
Isobe, T.; Makino, S.; Goerzen, A.
Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2006, Peer-reviewed
Interdependent behavior in foreign direct investment: The multi-level effects of prior entry and prior exit on foreign market entry
Chan, C.M.; Makino, S.; Isobe, T.
Journal of International Business Studies, 2006, Peer-reviewed
The characteristics and performance of Japanese FDI in less developed and developed countries
Makino, S.; Beamish, P.W.; Zhao, N.B.
Journal of World Business, 2004, Peer-reviewed
Does country matter?
Makino, S.; Isobe, T.; Chan, C. M.
Strategic Management Journal, 2004, Peer-reviewed
Timing of entry and the foreign subsidiary performance of Japanese firms
Shige Makino
Journal of International Marketing, 2003, Peer-reviewed
The choice between joint venture and wholly owned subsidiary: An institutional perspective
Yiu, D.; Makino, S.
Organization Science, 2002, Peer-reviewed
Asset-Exploitation Versus Asset-Seeking: Implications for Location Choice of Foreign Direct Investment from Newly Industrialized Economies
Makino, S.; Lau, C.-M.; Yeh, R.-S.
Journal of International Business Studies, 2002, Peer-reviewed
Resource commitment, entry timing, and market performance of foreign direct investments in emerging economies: The case of Japanese international joint ventures in China
Shige Makino
Academy of Management Journal, 2000, Peer-reviewed
National culture, transaction costs, and the choice between joint venture and wholly owned subsidiary
Makino, S.; Neupert, K.E.
Journal of International Business Studies, 2000, Peer-reviewed
Matching strategy with ownership structure in Japanese joint ventures
Shige Makino; Paul W. Beamish
Academy of Management Perspectives, Nov. 1999, Peer-reviewed, Invited
Local ownership restrictions, entry mode choice, and FDI performance: Japanese overseas subsidiaries in Asia
Shige Makino; Paul W. Beamish
Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 1998, Peer-reviewed
Performance and survival of joint ventures with non-conventional ownership structures
Makino, S.; Beamish, P.W.
Journal of International Business Studies, 1998, Peer-reviewed
Local knowledge transfer and performance: Implications for alliance formation in Asia
Makino, S.; Delios, A.
Journal of International Business Studies, 1996, Peer-reviewed
Characteristics and performance of Japanese foreign direct investment in Europe
Detlev Nitsch; Paul Beamish; Shige Makino
European Management Journal, Sep. 1995, Peer-reviewed
Shige Makino
Journal of International Business Studies, 1994, Peer-reviewed
Global Currents: The Four Forces Shaping International Business
Shige Makino
Academy of International Business, 04 Jul. 2024
Issues on Globalization
Shige Makino
Asia Academy of Management, 27 Jun. 2024, Invited
MNE Knowledge Management and General Manager Staffing in Local Market Seeking Subsidiaries
Jongmin Lee; Author; Liang Li; Andreas P.J. Schotter; Shige Makino
Academy of Management Annual Meetings, 12 Aug. 2024
Better Governance or Greater Legitimacy? Examining the Impact of Transnational Pressures on Female Board Appointments
Frank Jiang; Yang Yang; Shige Makino
The annual meeting of the Southern Management Association, Oct. 2023
国際ビジネス研究学会, 19 Nov. 2022, Invited
京都大学経済学部同窓会東京支部 第60回経済懇話会, 05 Nov. 2022, Invited
Multinational enterprises (MNEs), subsidiary employment in host countries, and heterogeneity in corporate social responsibility (CSR)
Eunsuk Hong, Jae Jung, In Hyeock Ian Lee, Shige Makino
The 38th Euro-Asia Management Studies Association (EAMSA) Annual Conference, 30 Oct. 2022
Books and Other Publications
Understanding Japanese International Business: A Literature Review
Hui Pan; Shige Makino, Contributor, Transformation of Japanese Multinational Enterprises and Business
Jaideep,Anand; R. Azimah Ainuddin; Shige Makino, Contributor, Multinational Strategy and Subsidiary Characteristics: Empirical Analysis of Japanese Foreign Subsidiaries