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Research Areas
Abe, Chiaki
Graduate School of Medicine
Program-Specific Assistant Professor
Abe, Hiroshi
Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies
Humanities & social sciences/Philosophy and ethics
Abe, Masataka
Graduate School of Energy Science, Department of Energy Conversion Science
Associate Professor
Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering)/Machine materials...
Abe, Nobuhito
Kyoto University Institute for the Future of Human Society, Graduate School of Letters
Life sciences/Basic brain sciences, Humanities & social sciences/Experimental psychology, Humanities...
Abe, Ryu
Graduate School of Engineering, Division of Energy and Hydrocarbon Chemistry, Institute for Advanced...
Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering)/Electronic device...
Abe, Takeshi
Graduate School of Engineering, Division of Energy and Hydrocarbon Chemistry, Graduate School of Eng...
Nanotechnology/Materials/Structural and functional materials, Nanotechnology/Materials/Inorganic mat...
Abe, Yutaka
Graduate School of Engineering, Division of Nuclear Engineering
Assistant Professor
Abo, Masahiro
Institute for Chemical Research (ICR), Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Graduate School o...
Life sciences/Bioorganic chemistry
Adachi, Ikuma
Center for the Evolutionary Origins of Human Behavior, Kyoto University (EHUB), Graduate School of S...
Humanities & social sciences/Cognitive sciences
Adachi, Makoto
Graduate School of Medicine, Medicine
Life sciences/Cell biology